How to Love and Protect your Computer

As a car owner, do you assume that you can just drive it for miles and miles and months on end without servicing it? If you answered, “yes” then you will learn the hard way that cars need love and attention. Similarly, your computer needs love and attention. Your computer needs regular maintenance, security, protection against harm, and a consistent service provider.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance for your computer is updates to the operating system and applications. Another term for this is “patch management”; as in patching software. Patch management keeps your computer running as well as possible, sometimes includes better features, and more often than not has security fixes. Regular maintenance on a car is a little different, but it is replacing the oil, filters, parts as they wear out.


Just like a car, you want to protect your computer from somebody entering it without your permission or stealing it. Security for your computer is anti-virus software, firewalls, and patch management.

Protection Against Harm

You drive your car in an environment that without protection would cause it to break down. You have a filter against what’s in the air, the fuel, and even the engine itself. Your computer needs a filter too; a filter between its user, the internet, and the computer. The internet, without a filter, is like leaving your car parked on the street in a seedy neighbourhood, vs in the garage.

Consistent Service Provider

You can take your car to a different shop every time the odometer says its needs service or when you break down, but it is much more efficient to take it to the same shop each and every time where they know your car as good as they know your name. Your computer is no different. Find a service provider that you like and stick with them.

If you give your computer this love and attention, it will provide thousands of hours of servitude in return; up to twenty times more hours than a car could. At Pluto Micro, we call this service Pluto Protect.


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