What to Look for - Managed I.T. Services

I wonder if computer services providers are truly nerds or perhaps a little narcissistic.  In the last 25 years since I have been in the industry I work in, we have gone from Computer Consultants, to I.T. Support, to Managed Service Providers.  We even shortened it to MSP, like that means something to an outsider.  I think it is a terrible acronym.

Conversation with Somebody Who Isn’t Employed in the I.T. Industry

Hey, what do you do for work?

I am a small business owner

What kind of business?


What is an MSP?

Managed Service Provider

What kind of services do you provide?

We manage services provided by others

Like what kind of services?

Like computer services

So you do computer support?


So why didn’t you start with that weirdo!?

Why Am I Telling You This?

I’m telling you this because when searching the internet for small business computer support, you might want to use the term “MSP” if you want to find a nerdy narcissist to help you with your I.T. issues.  That is the first tip. To be fair, most computer guys aren’t narcissists, their nerdy ways are just so overpowering.

Now, to be upfront, Pluto Micro Business does what all the companies do that consider themselves Managed Service Providers, we just do it in a way that specifically caters to teams of ten or less (micro businesses) and we try to do it in a way that small businesses can understand. 

Our slogan is “I.T. support for teams of 10 or less.  We keep your computers working so you can keep working.”  If that is too complicated, one of us needs to quit being in business.

Three Parts to Managed Services

There are three major things that managed services providers do that you want to be aware of when comparing apples to apples. Also, it should be noted that one of the key features of an MSP is that they have a monthly fee associated with some of all of the services they provide.


First is preventative maintenance.  This is doing all the things reasonable to make sure that your computer doesn’t crash and your network and internet don’t go down.  For example, installing the latest updates to your operating system, software, and hardware.  Preventative maintenance also includes antivirus software and other preventive measures against those with malicious intent.


Second is Support.  This is helping customers resolve technology issues that surely will happen despite best efforts in preventive maintenance.  For example, your internet goes down, your software isn’t working right, or your hardware is causing problems.  Support is for normal issues that can be solved within an hour. Most MSPs will push hard for an all-inclusive support agreement.


Lastly is Change.  Change refers to doing something different from your normal day-to-day technology work.  For example, moving your desk, adding a new team member, getting a new computer, getting a new internet connection, or adding software to your computer.  Change is also for issues that can’t be solved within an hour.  If an issue cannot be solved in an hour, something has changed such as hardware has completely failed or a hacker has compromised your system. Change also includes projects such as an office move or migrating your email to Microsoft 365.

Most I.T. work falls under these three categories:  maintain, support, change.  The questions you need to ask when buying managed I.T. services are what is included in my monthly services fee and what is not?


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